Inner Healing Coaching

Hydration for the Soul

  • Integrating structure, abundance, passion, and freedom into your life
  • Discover who you are and where you want to go
  • Create a healthy mind, body and spirit
  • Commit and create the life you have always dreamed of
  • Restore balance back into your life and set you free from your past wounds
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If you want to live your life with passion, health, and overall excellence, then The Hydrated Life is for you! Get in touch today!

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Inspirational Speaker

Beginning early in life, we all face struggles. We all have or know someone that struggles with judgment, anger, anxiety, and unforgiveness. Know that you are not alone in your pain. Hearing from someone who has been through it will point you toward healing, whether in a group setting or as an individual. Patti has overcome years of self hatred, alcohol abuse, breast cancer and anxieties and now lives a purposeful life. Given no hope by her high school guidance counselor of being anything but a homemaker, Patti went on to college and earned a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Recreation and Leisure, and played Division III Field Hockey, Basketball and Softball at the Junior collegiate level. In 2011, Patti self published the book “Hope An Inspiring A – Z guide for Cancer Patients, Survivors and Caregivers”.

Today, along with being an Inspirational Speaker, Patti is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Author, Certified Life Coach and an Independent Optavia Health Coach.

Testimony from one of the students Patti presented to:

“Dear Patti McGee, thank you for coming to Madison Oneida BOCES and presenting to us. You made me think entirely different about my life, in general. You have inspired me to go back to counseling… I was very inspired and because of you I am going to try to get my life back together. So again, thank you.” GM

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Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

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